Monday, November 18, 2013

ObamaCare debacle update...

ObamaCare debacle update...  Because there's nothing like the smell of ObamaCare decomposing on a sunny Monday morning...

Legalize real health insurance.  Dr. Paul Hsieh, writing in Forbes, is singing my song...

ObamaCare's union favor.  Are you surprised by this?  I'm certainly not – with The One's administration, it's Chicago-style cronyism right down the line...

Insurance industry readied while Obama slept.  Well, of course the insurance company “readied” – they are businesses, and they had to follow the law.  Unlike, say, The One.  Here's the kicker, though: this is in USA Today, heretofore (so far as I know) an unapologetic ObamaCare booster.  Oops!

Heads are going to roll.  It's not good to screw up The One's “signature legislation”...

Handy list of more ObamaCare shoes left to drop.  A half-dozen more shoes, and they're all big, heavy shoes.  Staffers working on ObamaCare must be cowering in the basement, knowing (and they do know) what's coming shortly...

The most shocking ObamaCare revelation: The One's towering incompetence.  I'm going to have to differ with the author (Walter Russell Mead) on this one, as Obama's incompetence has been on display for five years now.  But welcome to reality, Walter... gets a new spokesman.  Yeah, that ought to help!

Obama to rally supporters for ObamaCare.  Smells a little of desperation, doesn't it?

Pelosi vs. Gregory.  Incompetence and incoherence raised to new levels.  It continues to astonish me that (a) voters keep electing Pelosi, and (b) viewers keep watching intellectual zeroes like Gregory.  Ugh...

The One is nominating a new surgeon-general.  Is anyone surprised that he turns out to be a political hack, employed by a progressive hackery factory?

ObamaCare is derailing president's credibility.  Ya think?

American healthcare is all over but the screaming.  An industry insider's view of the impact of ObamaCare (and regulation in general) on hospitals.  Chilling stuff...

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