Saturday, March 28, 2015

Bob Hope...

Bob Hope...  Via my lovely bride...

21 ways that English is the worst language ever...

21 ways that English is the worst language ever...  Via friend and former colleague Aleck L. (for whom English is his second language).  My favorite is #17:

Read the whole thing...

Our family meme...

Our family meme ... as suggested by my brother Mark:

Do you ever gaze downward?

Do you ever gaze downward?  Don't do it in the airport security line, because the TSA is trained to think that's an indication that you might be a terrorist.

Reminder: the TSA's vast, expensive, intrusive, obnoxious security apparatus has caught exactly zero terrorists trying to get on planes.


Does anyone other than me think there might be a cost/benefit problem here?

This is big news for the space industry...

This is big news for the space industry ... the Air Force is acting to level the playing field for commercial launchers.  Two big events on the same day: the Air Force announced the end of subsidies to the United Launch Alliance (which made their launchers artificially cheap at the taxpayer's expense), and an internal Air Force review released a report saying that the Air Force's recent certification process for SpaceX was artificially difficult (again advantaging the United Launch Alliance).

I'm not sure what motivated the Air Force to act in a sensible manner, but it's surely a welcome development...

Beautiful cloud photo...

Beautiful cloud photo...  It's pouring under there!

Three lucky deer...

Three lucky deer...