Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Music video with optical illusions...

Music video with optical illusions...  Now there's a combination I don't recall seeing before :)  Some of the illusions are pretty darned good!

Kenzie's Dance...

Kenzie's Dance...  Have a box of Kleenex handy, and watch for her smile near the end.  Via my mom...

Light blogging alert!

Light blogging alert!  I've got a busy few days here...  Today I'm mostly catching up with some of my San Diego-based friends (including a lunch at the Fish Market in Del Mar, where I know what I'm having - scallops!).  Tomorrow I'm picking up our new trailer, and I'll start packing it for our Colorado trip.  Thursday and Friday is for packing and catching up with a few more friends.  And Saturday morning, at o'dark thirty, we're heading out!

Woodpile art...

Woodpile art...  When I stack wood, it doesn't look like these – my piles make a forest snag look neat :)  Via my CCPOAA mom...