Thursday, March 6, 2014

Firefly freaks out...

Firefly freaks out...  Rachel (not her real name) Lucas' newest dog discovers that her new life is wonderful...  For the dog lovers out there...

Quote of the day...

Quote of the day...  This time from Eric Raymond (ESR), on the climatology models that are the basis for the IPCC's prediction of global warming:
It's junk science all the way down.
Indeed.  Don't miss the comments...

I can't decide...

I can't decide...  Are these people (a) having more fun than any human before them, or (b) the pathetic victims of a suicidal depression?

Epic old man...

Epic old man...  I've seen this before, and I may even have posted it before.  But who cares?  It's great!  Via my mom, who cautions: “Put down your drink before viewing!”  Yes, indeed.  And embiggen it...

Downingia pulchella...

Downingia pulchella...  Fairly common in San Diego's mountains, though I've never seen large masses of it.  Sure would like to!  Via BPOD, of course, where there's a also nice closeup of a single blossom...

Pinus sylvestris...

Pinus sylvestris...  Common name: Scots pine.  Via BPOD, of course...

Another sad story of government ineptness...

Another sad story of government ineptness ... this time, it involves American veterans who were killed (or are still missing) in overseas wars.  Bottom lines: incredibly large amounts of money while obtaining almost no results.  That's a familiar pattern when the federal government is involved, but it's particularly sad and infuriating in a situation like this...

The foreign language effect...

The foreign language effect...  I've read about this several times before – another one of those peeks into how the human brain works that is very surprising.  At least I find it so!

A science mystery...

A science mystery ... leads to a fascinating discovery about simple, homogenous materials in motion.  It never ceases to amaze me how many things we don't know about the world we live in, and not all of those things are esoteric or obscure...

Geek: automated color detection...

Geek: automated color detection...  I've tried to do this myself, years ago, when trying various ways of compressing color spaces for a remote control product.  It's far more difficult than you might think...

I wonder why...

I wonder why ... Intel is producing a free open-source font?  What on earth does that have to do with their business?