Monday, September 2, 2013

Tweet of the Day...

Put down your morning drink, then read:
Today, the French renamed American Cheese to "Freedom Cheese"

For those of you who don't understand this: Americans renamed “French fries” to “freedom fries” in response to France's refusal to join with us in our invasion of Iraq in 2003.

Quote of the Day...

In England, a six year old wants to know why he only gets one pound (about $1.60) per week in pocket money.  The BBC business editor, writing in The Guardian, gives him a worthy answer:
You are given £1 a week because the people who look after you think that's fair. And even if you think it is not fair, they have all the power and all the money, so there is little you can do about it.

You could scream and scream till they give in and give you more pocket money, but that is not a nice way to behave (although some so-called grown-ups, such as movie stars and bankers, have been known to do that). So you will have to acquire some power, and there are two ways to do that. There is capitalist individualism, which is for you to become brilliant at doing something people need, so that people pay you lots of money to do it. Or there is the syndicalist way, where all the six-year-olds gang up together and ask the grown-ups nicely to share their money with you (democratic socialism) or where you threaten to break the grown-ups' things unless they share their money with you (revolutionary socialism).

On Syria...

Reader, friend, former colleague, and Idaho real estate mogul Doug S. sends along this tongue-in-cheek summary of all the reasons why we shouldn't intervene in Syria.  The Wall Street Journal today summarizes the reasons why we shouldForeign Policy tells us what the big consequences of a Syria attack will be.  Michael Yon publishes the pithiest Obama criticism, a comment by Adam Holloway (member of the U.K. Parliament): “Outrage is not a strategy.  I thought military action always had to have a purpose behind it – so what is the endstate here?  Hit, and then hope?”

Me?  I'm with Sarah Palin: let's let Allah sort it out...