Wednesday, August 7, 2013

What the Hell is Happening to My Country? Part 49,923...

The crime: refusing to take medication.
The suspect: a 95 year old man.
The legal process: no need for that, the cops are judge, jury, and executioner all rolled into one.
The sentence: death, by electrocution and assault.

Mark Steyn reports.

What the hell is happening to my country?

Filthy Filner: Number Eleven...

I cannot bear popcorn, but I wish I liked it – I like the mental image of having a nice, big tub of popcorn while we watch the Filner Follies...

Yesterday, the eleventh woman to publicly charge Filthy with sexual harassment came forth.  The story here sounds very Filneresque at this point: Filthy offered to help a Marine with PTSD – but only if the nurse asking for help agreed to go on a date with him.

What a schmuck!

But I don't like popcorn, so I'll just sip my tea and keep reading the Filthy Files, and Google News...