Saturday, February 2, 2013

Killer Showers...

Taking a shower is dangerous?  Yes, it is, for people of a certain age (which I'm approaching!).  Why?  Because of the risk of falling.  Huh?  It's a small risk, but you (we hope) take a lot of showers – a small risk taken often can become a large risk overall.  Jared Diamond (author of Guns, Germs, and Steel and more) explains...

My Kind of Animated Short...

This Oscar-nominated animation just hit the web (it was originally released as part of Wreck-It Ralph).  It was nominated for an Oscar because of its innovative combination of hand-drawing and computer animation.  It's gorgeous, and as the linked article says, may well be a peek at the future of animation...

Carjacking Fails!

Oh, my, the times they are a-changing.  Two would-be carjackers attempted to steal a 2002 Corvette – but were foiled by the complexities of operating the car.  Specifically, the stick shift (manual transmission) and clutch.  Even after the terrified owner tried to teach them.

The carjackers gave up and fled...