Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Save That Bird...

Via my lovely bride:

The Last Debate...

My favorite part: “last”.  I don't want to watch any more such nonsense.  It may (or may not) have political significance, but it certainly didn't have much in the way of substance.

The consensus of opinion seems to boil down to these points:

Obama didn't walk away a clear winner.
Obama didn't walk away a clear loser.
Romney didn't walk away a clear winner.
Romney didn't walk away a clear loser.

I'll call that a draw.  Here are some other thoughts:

Clark Judge

Just two more weeks and we can stop worrying about who will win.  Then we can start worrying about who did win :-)

Portrait of a Failed “Investment”...

Four years ago, the world largely applauded as Greece incurred multi-billion dollar debt to finance building a spectacular Olympic venue.  The media heaped praise on the Greeks for their “investment”, and predicted great things would happen because of the world-class stadiums, tracks, pools, etc. that they were building.

How's that working out now?

Not so well.  The facilities are largely unused, and now the Germans are being asked to cover the debt that Greece is in danger of defaulting on.

CoyoteBlog has more.  Oy, vey...

Your Morning WTF: Scientists Convicted...

An Italian court has convicted 7 scientists and experts of manslaughter, for failing to predict an earthquake that killed hundreds of people.  They have appealed, and hopefully the conviction will be overturned by a more rational higher court.  Hopefully.

Meanwhile, these scientists live in fear of long prison sentences.

Maybe the Pope will intervene.

Good grief.
