Friday, October 5, 2012

Headline: Unemployment Rate Falls to 7.1%...

But buried deep within the story is the reason why it fell - and it's not because there are fewer unemployed Americans.  Instead, more unemployed Americans have entered the “discouraged worker” category, and they're not counted as unemployed for the purposes of this bogus and misleading number.

The real number – the percentage of American workers who are out of work, whether “discouraged” or not – held steady at 14.7%.

The damned media is covering for The One again...

Oh My, Part II...

The speaker (former Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell) is a Democrat:

Biden is the Best Thing We've Got Going...

Rubio is very good with an audience.  Funny, too!

Peter Suderman...

...says it better than I could:
There were moments in last night’s debate when you could almost imagine Mitt Romney being president, or at least playing one on TV. He was pithy. He was prepared. He was poised. He was very nearly presidential. But what he wasn’t, however, was specific—at least not in the ways that matter most. Romney’s performance was just that: a performance, designed to suggest what he might be like as president, but not what he would do.
Do yourself a favor: go read the whole thing...

Oh, My...

Taiwanese debate animation, already.  Warning: contains some cartoon violence...

Iowa Electronic Markets...

The slope is still steep, still headed Romney's way – but still favoring Obama overall, now at about 2:1.

We can't help but like the looks of the end of that graph...

Curiosity: Onwards to Rocknest...

Curiosity is about to start sampling soil, putting it through its on-board chemical laboratory.  The area pictured at right – sandy-looking soil with rocks jutting out of it – is the target.

Go, you little nuclear-powered go-kart, go!

Honey, I Shrunk the President...

That's the title of the inimitable James Taranto's column yesterday, in which he was at the top of his form.  Here's a sample:
We could spend hours quoting disparaging reviews of Obama's performances from journalists who were never as head-over-heels as Matthews and Sullivan, but we like to pretend as if we have space constraints, so we'll just take one representative example, also from the Daily Beast, where our friend Tunku Varadarajan writes: "My God, in the four years that we've seen him in the White House, I don't think we've ever seen the president so flaccid, so dull-brained, so jejune, so shifty, so downcast."

This columnist has to disagree. Obama's lame performance last night seemed typical to us. We can think of a few occasions in which we've seen the president less flaccid, less dull-brained, less jejune, less shifty, less downcast. But only a few.

But these qualities--or, to put it another way, this lack of quality--was harder than usual to miss last night because of the contrast with the highly effectual Romney. One reason it came as such a shock to Obama is that it was the first time in his career that he shared a debate stage with a serious opponent.
But do go read the whole thing...

Quote of the Day...

From Peggy Noonan's column today in the Wall Street Journal, on Wednesday evening's presidential debate:
Mr. Obama's likability numbers are about to go down. It's going to be a reverse Sally Field: You don't like me, you really don't like me.