Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Life Expectancy...

I've long known that the widely published “life expectancy” numbers are very misleading at best, and greatly understate the age the average person living today can expect to attain.  However, I had not previously seen a good explanation of why these published numbers are “wrong”...

Embassy Attack...

Headlines on this morning's news are all about the killing of our Ambassador to Libya, and three others.  The news reports are contradictory, but it looks like the four died in a rocket attack on their car, as they left the U.S. Embassy – itself the target of a mob attack.  This all instantly reminded me of 1979, and the mob attack on our Embassy in Tehran, Iran – and Jimmy Carter's pathetic response.  Somehow I expect the same here.

The blogosphere is, as you might imagine, full of thoughts on these events.  The best post I read was this one from Dave Carter, the truck driver/philosopher on Ricochet.  An excerpt:
Did you get that? We condemn the people who offended these cretins,….not the cretins. Pardon me, but just what in the hell is happening to our country? Is this the inheritance purchased at Normandy? Bunker Hill? Khe Sanh? Brave men risked their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor so that an American President could grovel with this pathetic, weak-kneed, sickly, statement? What a despicable statement of historical ignorance and what an awful confession of outright cowardice!
Well said, Mr. Carter. Well said.

Don't miss the whole thing...