Thursday, July 19, 2012

Fun With “You Didn't Build That!”

Obama's epic gaffe has already provided the fodder for a lot of humor.  From the inimitable Iowahawk (at right), to a mocking web site, to user-provided mocking, to the definitive poster collection, the Intertubes have really gotten into the spirit of this.

Then of course there's the oh-so-revealing epic gaffe itself, here for your admiration and cherishing (about 1:40 into the video)...

It's Going to be an Interesting Election Season...

Quite possibly the best Romney ad yet:

Hope and Change, Proverb Edition...

Via Jim M.  Old, obsolete proverb:
Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and … you feed him for a lifetime.
New proverb, inspired by Obama's hope and change:
Give a man a welfare check, a cell phone, food stamps, section 8 housing, Medicaid, 100 weeks of unemployment checks, a 40-ounce malt liquor, needles, drugs, contraceptives, and designer Air Jordan shoes … and he will vote Democrat for a lifetime.

Awesome Photos...

Via my mom and reader Simi L., on the same day!  Lots more at the link.