Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Fired for Doing Her Job...

We're talking about Naomi Schaefer Riley, a journalist who dared to make uncomfortable (and most definitely not politically correct!) observations about the value of Black Studies.  Of course, in modern America, that meant she had to be fired.

If you project political correctness forward, at some point it forces all thought to cease.  The “thought death” of America.  

Three perspectives from today's WSJ, from Naomi herself, from the editors, and from James Taranto.

Thought Experiment...

Imagine the planet Earth.  Now imagine all the water on the planet – the oceans, rivers, lakes, snow, ice, groundwater, water in plants and animals, water vapor in the atmosphere – every last molecule of good old H2O.  Now imagine all that water gathered into a sphere.  How big would that sphere be?  Got it pictured, mentally?

Click here for the answer.  I was off by about 50%...

Computer Science Blogs...

A very nice list of CS-related blogs.  At least half of these were new to me...

Quote of the Day...

Spoken by Dilbert in today's strip:
Do whatever makes you feel less absurd.