
This is turning out to be a lovely, wet end-of-year for us – we got almost three-quarters of an inch (19mm) of rain yesterday, and there's more in the forecast today.  I captured a snapshot of the NEXRAD radar a few minutes ago; the big yellow blobs to our south and southwest are moving toward us.  Hoorah!

Our yard is greener than we've seen in over 10 years.  Narcissus are in bloom all over the yard, with hundreds of plants in bud.  Daffodils are coming up strong; the first ones will probably be blooming in a week or so.  One thing that's surprising us: bulbs are growing where we've never seen them grow before.  These “surprise” plants are all smaller and later than the ones we're used to seeing.  This makes me wonder if perhaps these surprise plants are from weaker or deeper bulbs that have been dormant for years, just waiting until there was enough water.  I know they're planted, because they appear in the same line of plants that we see growing every year.  Does anybody know the reason why we'd see these surprise plants?