Tuesday, November 22, 2011

OWS Solution...

Colleague and friend Doug S. passes along this solution to the Occupy Wall Street movement (non-embeddable video clip)...


Wired has a nice collection of ten “mesmerizing” time-lapse videos, like this one:


Several people wrote to ask why I'm not commenting more on the “Super-Committee” super-flop.  Several answers:

First, I'm torn between delight and disgust by the whole affair.  Delight because a Congress deadlocked into inactivity is the safest kind of Congress I can imagine.  Disgust because so few (I'd say less than 5%) of our Congress-critters seem to behave in a way that's in the best interest of the country.

In today's news, I read another story that at one level simply astounds any thinking person in its complete disconnection from reality.  Obama is pushing to extend the Social Security “tax cuts” another year.  This is from the leader of the same party that is so adamant about including tax increases as part of the deficit reduction.  Last year those tax cuts were paid for by issuing government bonds (borrowing, in other words).  One wonders what he's got in mind this time.  Well, I guess we really don't wonder – Obama's angling for re-election, and what better way than to throw a few bucks at the masses?  He might as well be out on the street with wads of money, handing them to anyone who will vote for him.  Sheesh...

There are days (and this is one of them) when I think the only way we can get our country back is through some form of revolution.  The big, big question: can that revolution happen at the ballot box?  I'm not feeling optimistic this morning...