Sunday, October 30, 2011

Which Talking Head is More Credible - A or B?

This “debate” on (of all places!) Anderson Cooper's show is a nice comparison between two experts: Peter Schiff, accomplished business man on one side, and Cornell West, a leading light of progressive economics.  You be the judge:

Four for Four...

Debbie is running Miki in an agility competition today, downtown at the old NTC.  She just called me, and you could hear the smile: Miki just finished his fourth run for the weekend (two in jumpers, two in standard).  Result: three first place finishes (and one fifth), and he's now in Excellent B in both.  Bonus: he earned his first 19 Mach points.

Woot woot!!!

One other interesting note.  Yesterday she took Miki down by himself, and noted that he seemed a bit stressed by the end of the day.  Today she took Race (who wasn't entered) down with him, to see if having his buddy along would make a difference.  Debbie reports that Miki was distinctly less stressed.  Having his friend along made it all easier...

How to Speak Liberal...

From John Hawkins, the coffee-spurter of the day.  Here are a few choice examples, but do go read the whole thing!
Compassion: Feeling good about yourself for wanting to give away money you didn’t earn to people you hope will vote for your side.

Greed: Wanting to keep money you’ve earned instead of having it spent on Bridges to Nowhere and government loans to people who’ve contributed to Obama’s campaign.

Guns: Vicious weapons that force people to kill each other.

Minorities: People who are too dumb and incompetent to make it without liberal help. 

Our opponents refuse to compromise on this issue: The Republicans refuse to do everything we want.

Racism: A word you cry when you’re losing an argument with a conservative.

Taxes: A limitless supply of free money to be given away to liberal special interests in return for votes.

Tolerance: Something that justifies going on hate-filled rants against people who don’t share your view of the world.

Unfair attack: They quoted me.

Seaside Limestone...

My mom sent this photo along as part of a collection of beautiful landscapes.  I've seen the photo before, though I can't recall where.  For some reason, I'm associating this with Iceland, though I'm not at all sure that's correct.

The limestone against the quiet sea instantly recalls many such scenes I saw while exploring the islands of Estonia (primarily Saaremaa and Hiiumaa, shown in Google Maps below).  It's been over five years now since my last visit to Estonia.  I hope to return one of these fine days, and bring Debbie (who's never been there) with me...

View Larger Map

Geeky Job Posting...

Not really all that difficult, though.  Via reader Jim M.:

Expectation and Objectivity...

A short article that does a fine job of presenting the slightly subtle ways that our expectations can completely overwhelm our objectivity.  One of my favorite examples of this phenomenon is used in the article: how skilled wine tasters can be (and usually are!) led astray by their expectations being driven by a host of factors that have nothing whatever to do with the wine...