Cassini Visits Rhea...

Cassini is still traipsing about the Saturnian system, producing vast quantities of quality science.  As it gets nearer to the end of its mission (in particular, as it runs out of fuel), the mission planners are sending it on ever more risky endeavours.  Most especially they are sending it closer and closer to Saturn's satellites (this is risky because the gravitational field of these satellites attracts more space junk that could kill Cassini, and because some of these satellites even emit dangerous materials).

Just in time for the holidays, Cassini snapped this closeup of little Rhea, looking a bit like a Christmas tree ornament...

Milk and Butter are Good for You?

Nutritionists change their mind so frequently, and offer conflicting results so unashamedly, that a lay reader has a great deal of difficulty keeping track of what's good and what's bad.  I've basically given up myself, and have pursued a course of mindless eating for pleasure, moderated only when my body gives me unambiguous feedback or when my wallet runs out.  But I still read about the scientists hard at work trying to understand all this.  The latest missive: turns out that milk and butter may help you resist diabetes.  Well, that's nice – I drink a lot of milk!

So You Lost Your Election...

Iowahawk does it again.  Put down your morning beverage and cruise on over to read his latest masterpiece.  My favorite line (hard to pick just one!):
I removed my Congressional experience from my resume. How do I explain the 28-year gap?

Claim you were in prison.

Morning Walk...

Cold and clear this morning; the barometer is rising and you'd think we're in for a typical wintry sequence of mornings like this one.  But the forecast calls for rain on Wednesday, cloudy days through the end of the week, and more rain on Sunday...

Out with the dogs at 3:20 am, and my old friend Orion hangs just above the southwestern horizon.  Another week or two and he'll disappear.  The moon was high overhead and very bright, even though it's less than half lit.  I could see colors in the yard, and the distant mountains were clearly visible.

The three field spaniels focused on one particular spot alongside our driveway, doing their usual intense olfactory absorption.  Today I got down on the ground with them and smelled the same patch of ground.  I could only smell the earth and the grass, nothing else.  The dogs were fascinated by my joining them; didn't quite know what to make of it.

Race, the border collie, did something quite unusual for him.  A neighbor's dog was barking, objecting to our presence.  Race got his hackles up, and took off out the gate (unlike the field spaniels, he was off-leash).  He ran up the patch of ground between my neighbor's fence and our fence, and headed over to the neighbor's fence to get in his dog's face.  Much growling and posturing ensued.  With some difficulty I managed to call Race back.  Next time, he's going out on the leash.

As we walked back toward the house, I heard the low call of an owl nearby.  With some effort (as the calls were very intermittent), I located it – high in one of our eucalyptus trees.  I could just barely make out his silhouette against the bright sky; from the size and shape and call, it had to be a barn owl.  Be afraid, little mice...