Wednesday, November 10, 2010

This is Not Good...

Turkey is cutting many of its (formerly cordial) ties to Israel.  Dang...

Ho, Hum, this is Getting Boring...

Lakes Entertainment published their latest quarterly report.  With respect to the Jamul Indian Casino, it continues to look like a failed project, with their investment being written off over time...


When I first saw an IBM Selectric typewriter, I wanted to know how it worked.  I never did figure it out.  Today, thanks to Make, I found out – and it was even more interesting than I had imagined.  It involves two mechanical digital-to-analog converters, called “whiffletrees”.  Awesome geekiness ensues:

Giant Galactic Blobs...

APOD has the photo (click to enlarge), and the Center for Astrophysics has the story.

It's fascinating that even today astronomers can discover an object that straddles more than half the sky...