Monday, June 7, 2010

Could Obama be Hoping for a Republican Takeover in the House?

Fred Barnes outlines why this rumor circulating in Washington just might be true...

Laffer on Taxes...

Arthur Laffer has some grim prognostications on future taxes.  Gulp.  Just what I needed to read on a Monday morning...

Spirit Finds Carbonates...

The Spirit rover has found clear evidence of carbonate rocks on Mars.  Carbonate rocks form only in neutral or alkaline water, in conditions conducive to life-as-we-know-it.  Actually, Spirit recorded the evidence for the carbonate rocks way back in 2005 – but the evidence was recorded on a sensor that was covered in dust, and the dust distorted the readings.  Just recently scientists figured out how to remove the distortion computationally, and thereby found the carbonate rock's “signature”.  The same instrument has collected data for about six years, and the same computational technique means that much of that data can now be “cleaned up”, quite likely leading to other “new” discoveries with old data...

Want to Feel Better Everyday?

It's easy: spend time in nature.  This is one reason I choose to live out in the boonies – it makes me feel better...


A fascinating online collection of very early (~1910) color photos, using a technique called “autochrome”...