Thursday, May 20, 2010

Lake Tanganyika Takedown...

Willis Eschenbach raises a few questions about the recent news stories covering the warming of Lake Tanganyika.  No, that's not right – it's more like Willis Eschenbach reveals the craven, delusional ravings of AGW proponents who claim proof of the lake's recent warming.  Yes, that's more like it...

Holy Moley!

A hailstorm in Oklahoma:

Quote of the Day...

From TJIC:
…the difference between that chimp and the MSM is that the chimp will occassionally type something true.

Draw Mohammed Day...

Poking fun, distributing the risk, whatever – however you position it, it seems like a great idea to me.  I have no talent for drawing anything at all, so I won't offend anyone's artistic sensibilities.  But I was going to attempt an essay on the idea, until Zombie did it for me...

Prediction API...

From Google.  Interesting...

At Last – a Sport for Me!

The training regimen for this sport seems particularly enjoyable.  But why on earth is it starting in China, and not San Diego?