Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Same Old, Same Old...

For most of my career as a programmer, languages in the “C family” (C, C++, and Java) have dominated the industry – and that's still true even today.  For this past year, the “big news” is that Java fell from #1 to #2 (and C rose from #1 to #2). 

For such a dynamic industry, this is remarkable stability.  Why is this so?  The only reason that seems plausible to me is inertia...

Geek Blast of the Day...

I wish I'd thought of this!  What a cool little home experiment, and simple as all get out.  And pretty results, too!

The Next Reagan?

Wouldn't it just be ironic as hell if the path out of our descent into the progressive morass was blazed by a New Jersey governor?

I'd have to stop with my New Jersey jokes.  But not quite yet...