Sunday, April 11, 2010

Multi-Culti Madness...

One doesn't know quite what to say.  Except “If you live in England, leave while you still can!”

Crockford on JavaScript...

Transcripts and videos of Douglas Crockford's lecture series on JavaScript.  I haven't read or watched them yet, but hey, it's Crockford – you know it's going to be good...

Stupid Crook Ponder...

Watching the video below, my first reaction was to laugh at the nearly implausible incompetence of the burglar.  But then the ponder started...  When this idiot is in jail, my tax dollars are paying for his care.  When he's out of jail, chances are he's on welfare of several varieties – and my tax dollars are once again paying for his care.  Plus I'm paying for the cops to catch him (though clearly that isn't particularly difficult in his case) and the prosecutors, defense attorney, and courts to try him.

Hmmm...  That whole “transport to Australia” thing starts to sound more reasonable.  We just need to substitute something for Australia to bring the plan up to date.  Perhaps Johnson Atoll?  Yeah, that's the ticket!

Quote of the Day...

From Cassandra at Villainous Company:
If they start tweeting, I'm out of here.


Strange but fascinating talent, on display.  Via my mom: