Saturday, February 27, 2010

ClimateGate: Roundup...

The hits just keep on coming...

A new report from an actual scientist says: oops, those temperature data really were affected by the urban heat island effect and poor sensor siting.  Well, duh!

Pajamas Media puts together a hockey stick graph of their own (at right, as well).  Quite funny if you've been following AGW for a while...

Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, the IPCC chief, is going to be investigated for his culpability in the now-discredited series of error-filled IPCC reports that the U.N. and national governments depended upon for the formulation of climate policy. 

Three submissions to the U.K. Parliamentary committee investigating ClimateGate – from Steve McIntyre, the Institute of Physics, and the ICO.  All very interesting.  It's hard to overstate Steve McIntyre's contributions to AGW skepticism – and impossible not to admire his civility, sobriety, and honesty.  “Professional” climatology could do a lot worse than Steve McIntyre for a role model.  Oh, that's right, they already did that...

Political tricks in the U.K., unveiled...

Quote of the Day...

From Mark Steyn:
Think of Greece as California: Every year an irresponsible and corrupt bureaucracy awards itself higher pay and better benefits paid for by an ever-shrinking wealth-generating class.
Don't miss the whole thing...

Unwitting Freeway Kamikaze...

Classic Iowahawk satirical commentary on Government Motors vs. foreign car makers...

The Charisma of a Damp Rag...

Wow!  I'm not sure if this style of political debate actually accomplishes any more than the (much) more boring American style, but it one hell of a lot more entertaining!