Monday, December 21, 2009

ClimateGate: Steyn on Copenhagen...

A teaser:
So just to recap: The Prince of Wales, a man who has never drawn his own curtains, ramps up a carbon footprint of 2,601 tons while telling us that western capitalist excess is destroying the planet. Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, the railroad engineer who heads the International Panel on Climate Change and has demanded that "hefty aviation taxes should be introduced to deter people from flying," flew 443,226 miles on "IPCC business" in the year and a half before the Copenhagen summit. And Al Gore is a carbon billionaire: He makes more money buying offsets from himself than his dad did from investing in Occidental Petroleum.
Go read the whole thing.

Legal Murder...

In Virginia, the police believe it is legal to kill newborn babies...

Doesn't common sense have a place in here somewhere?

ClimateGate: Wikipedia Police...

An interesting look at how Wikipedia's AGW articles were maintained in a deceptive way...