Friday, December 4, 2009

Men and Women: Viva la Difference!

Contributed by reader Bill G., and offered without comment (considering that my wife reads this blog):

ClimateGate: Sarah Palin Weighs In...

On her Facebook page, Sarah Palin says:
Policy decisions require real science and real solutions, not junk science and doomsday scare tactics pushed by an environmental priesthood that capitalizes on the public’s worry and makes them feel that owning an SUV is a “sin” against the planet. In his inaugural address, President Obama declared his intention to “restore science to its rightful place.” Boycotting Copenhagen while this scandal is thoroughly investigated would send a strong message that the United States government will not be a party to fraudulent scientific practices. Saying no to Copenhagen and cap and tax are first steps in “restoring science to its rightful place.”
Can't disagree with that, though some of the other things she says I might quibble with...

ClimateGate: Al Gore Opts Out...

Numerous sites are reporting that Al Gore has canceled a scheduled appearance at the Copenhagen climate summit.  The appearance was to promote his new book.  Now why would he choose this moment to cancel what must be the single best event at which to promote his new AGW book?

Maybe he's busy reassessing his positions in the face of the ClimateGate evidence.  Or maybe he's just afraid of the questions the crowd will be asking...